Something about the U.S.

The United States of America, as a poor people, live far from U.S. Maybe I really know nothing about that greatest country on earth. Only hear from friends, news, or TV? 100 people has 100 mouths, when I hear about U.S., always have so much different version of it. So who I should believe? Some people love, some people hate, and they also have they are own reasons, if your one of them dislike U.S., you may say: election in U.S. spend too much money. Ok, I just want ask, does your country have election? Government hiding some secrets? Does your government have the same responsibility as U.S.? Movie “Independence Day”, I think not only just movie, if have aliens invade earth, without U.S., can you save the earth? World need leadership, without that, we will have endless chaos. Maybe, you will say, change another country as our leader. Ok? Who can? Iraq? North Korea or south? Perhaps China? Each of this countries, which one can take this responsibility? Or maybe, you will say, the richest country isn’t America. Yes, also, America not everything No.1, I readied “Legatum Prosperity Index Table Rankings”, says top overall rank is Norway in 2012. Yes, just show to us, you can do it better than U.S., then, tell everyone, you dislike USA. I think that’s most fair way to make everyone convinced. Every time, when I watch President Obama’s speech, “government of the people by the people for the people”, Lincoln's words, after more than 100 years, still works! And compare another countries, think about USA again please. I recommend if you dislike USA, so please, just suppose you’re in the same position, can you do better? Truth is, when I watching Obama’s speech, I cried, cry for myself, my destiny, cried for happy, happy, I know in seas another side, our planet, and we got the best country ever! I am a poor Asian, maybe my words unimportant, but I believe, I am not been brainwashed, I have confidence about USA. How about you guys? “This island is mine…”, “Anti…” all of this kind of thinking, just because you still in your narrow view, just go out, to the space, and look down the planet earth, we are so small, before our both good and bad, so meaningless… Hope my teeny words can help you see clear about the world, and yourself. Hanoi, Vietnam November 14th, 2012


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